The moral right of the author has been asserted. The author and his heirs reserve all rights to this work. 2010, 2014.
This is a work of fiction. Characters, organizations, situations and philosophies are either the product of the author’s imagination or if real, have been used fictitiously without any intent to describe or portray their actual conduct.
No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part in any form, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means without prior permission in writing of the publisher, the author or the author’s designated heirs, nor otherwise be circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published.
Published and bound in Japan
- Prologue Cape Sheridan, Ellesmere Island…1909
- Russia… 1842
- California… 1849
- Old Crow Wing, Minnesota…1850
- Java Sea…1863
- Norfolk, Virginia…1866
- Rome, Italy…1881
- New York City…1883
- Russian Alaska…1871
- San Francisco, California…1863
- Greenland…1880
- Cochin China…1874
- New York City…1884
- San Francisco, California…1873
- Whaling Ship, SHY LADY, Atlantic…1884
- Greenland…1882
- The Arctic…1870
- Mattaponsett, Massachusetts…1884
- Greenland…1884
- New Bedford, Massachusetts…1884
- New York City…1884
- New Bedford/Onset, Massachusetts…1884
- Chicago, Illinois…1884
- Trading Post, Greenland…1884
- Danville, Illinois…1884
- New Bedford/Mattaponsett, Massachusetts…1884
- New York City…1884
- Portland, Maine…1884
- Massachusetts…1885
- Halifax, Nova Scotia…1885
- The Bands
- The Offer
- Anchorage and Eskimos
- Lak’s Camp
- Dinner and the Dark
- Lak’s Arrival
- The Lincoln Sea
- To The Pole
- A Feeling, A Bad Feeling
- And When the Time is Right
- The Hardship of the Quest
- Assault on the SHY LADY
- Thin Ice
- The Dead
- The Missing Man
- The Second Attack
- Questions and Answers
- Hostages
- If This Be Hell…
- Abandon Ship
- Blood on the Ice
- The Loss of the SHY LADY
- The Pole
- Survival
- A Dangerous Man
- A Difficult Decision
- No Time to Lose
- The Passing
- When Hope begins to Fade
- The Relief Party
- The Death of Peter
- Becoming a Man
- Help Needed!
- A Speck on the Horizon
- All that is Left
Epilogue Cape Sheridan, Ellesmere Island…1909