What vegetables did we plant Joe? - Well, we started with a small selection to begin with. We planted sweet potatoes, green peppers, eggplants, green beans, red paprika, mini tomatoes, cucumbers and okra.
You don’t like okra right? - It’s not one of my favorite vegetables, though I do like all the other ones we planted.
When the family eats natto, Joe escapes from the room.
Natto is not your favorite food either right?
I think both same taste. - I don’t like the smell of natto, with okra, I don’t like the slimy film that it has.
- Which vegetables do you like?
- I like everything we planted with the exception of okra. I like to cook and you can be creative with the other vegetables we planted.
Eggplant and bell peppers are beginning to fruit.
I’m looking forward to when the garden is showing more. - Yeah, the tomatoes are starting flower which is good.
- the slimy film ヌルヌルした膜